Connect With Your Neighborhood Chairperson Today

Cameron Estates Cambridge Estates

Don’t see your neighborhood?

Start your own Cameron Park Neighborhood Watch

Getting Started

1.                   Form a small planning committee of neighbors within your neighborhood to discuss your specific concerns, needs and possible challenges.

2.                   Elect a chairperson

  • Prepare a neighborhood map which includes participants

3.                   Nominate block Captains within your neighborhood

  • These folks will relay information to their block and residents and ensure that elderly, working parents and those will access issues can obtain up to date information.

  • Welcomes new residents and includes them in the information

4.                   Establish how you will communicate.

  • Facebook neighborhood page and/or;

  • Start a Nextdoor Group

  • Chairperson should be the administrator to ensure your main focus is safety in your neighborhood

  • Newsletters, postings, emails

  • Neighbors App (highly recommended)

5.                   Establish regular meetings dates and time

  • Cameron Park Sheriff’s Substation will be available for meetings to include Zoom

6.                   Contact Cameron Park Digital Neighborhood Watch to be added to the wider network and receive additional resources

  • Provide contact information for the chairpersons for people to connect to and for publishing on the website.

  • Your neighborhood will be added to the website ad a Neighborhood Watch community

  • Benefits include:

  1.   Participation in the community wide digital neighborhood watch

  2. Connection to the Sheriff’s office resources provided to DNW

  3.  Recommended practices and shared successes from your neighbors in Cameron Park

  4.  Trainings and education

  5. Notifications of trends happening in Cameron Park

7.                   Click here to purchase standardized signage and window clings for your community

8.                   Encourage all neighbors to download and join the Neighbors app to share information:

Ring Neighbors

With a quick glance at the app, you can see what is going on in your neighborhood, receive alerts and share experiences

The App is free and you can specify smaller geographical areas!

You can join through Apple Store or Google Play.

Best Practices

1.       Hold regular and consistent meetings

2.       Invite Law Enforcement to your meetings

3.       Involve everyone in your neighborhood and be inclusive

4.       Ensure access to information is available for everyone in your neighborhood

5.       Learn how to identify suspicious activity vs. suspicious people

6.       Avoid targeting by having your primary focus be on deterrence practices

7.       Incorporate your neighborhood watch into the Cameron Park Digital Neighborhood Program

8.       Report incidents to the Neighbors app so others can be informed and possibly help solve crimes with video footage

9.       Subscribe to local crime updates and inform your neighbors and surrounding community of incidents and trends

10.   Connect with other block captains and chairpersons to learn what is working in the communities around you!


Cameron Park Digital Neighborhood Watch

Digital Neighborhood Watch

STAR volunteer patrols

Request increase in patrols, vacation patrols and additional support

STAR Patrols

Neighborhood Watch Organizer’s Guide

Organizer’s Guide